Posted by : Jen Clicker
vendredi 19 août 2016
Big cities in Japan are packed with convenience . It seems like there is one on every corner. (Sometimes there is!) There is one that stands out from the rest.
*******************Japonais anime*******************
*********Top Anime**********
Convenience store chain Lawson has opened a special Lawson Tokyo-3 conbini, or convenience store. Tokyo-3 is the fictional setting for the groundbreaking franchise Neon Genesis Evangelion. Located in Hakone, Kanagawa (the locale for Tokyo-3), the store features Neon Genesis Evangelion banners, tissues, potato chips, canned coffee, figurines, manga and nifty staff jackets.
*****************************Tokyo anime********************************
Your purchase will even be put in a plastic bag!
Neon Genesis Evangelion debuted as a manga in 1995 and as an anime later that same year. It has since then spun off merchandise, video games and, yes, a convenience store.
*************************Best Anime***************************
The Neon Genesis EvangelionSteins;GateCode Geass